Tuesday, December 27, 2011

"Cam... What IS this place??"

If you've seen the Modern Family episode where Cam takes Mitchell to Costco for the first time, you should be able to relate to this analogy. Mitchell walks around in complete overwhelmed awe of the unexpected delights that Costco had to offer - cheap diapers, an excellent wine selection, and the paper shredder he always wanted. Well, today was much like that for Amanda. Whether we carried her or she walked, no matter where we went she observed everything with big, wide curious eyes and a ready finger to point to anything she found new, exciting, and different. Our adventures today began at the Civil Affairs Office again where we completed our final interviews and notaries with the Chinese government to finally make Amanda officially "ours"! Then after lunch and naptime we headed out to explore the hotel - the grounds are beautiful! After that was a trip to the Friendship Store supermarket, and later dinner at the Banana Leaf restaurant. A very eventful day! 

We've discovered a surefire way to get Amanda to pitch a full-blown tantrum: take away food. This morning she was enjoying a huge, delicious pear (see picture), but it was time to leave for breakfast before she'd finished. When we took it away we got a taste of her first fit of crying (see picture). However, as soon as I whipped out our handy Simple Chinese Language phrase book and told her "Chir fahn bah" (let's go eat!), she immediately calmed down and was back to her sweet, good-humored self. And boy does she love to eat!  She's willing to try nearly anything once and now signs please whenever she wants anything off our plates - great progress! 

Another big success for the day was bath time! We'd heard that often the kids will have trouble, so we were careful to ease her into it. No need - she LOVED it! She quickly discovered the fun of splashing (the walls, herself, Mama and BahBah/Daddy!). I think it's become one of her favorite activities (next to coloring and making us laugh!) 

Amanda's feeling more and more comfortable with us, fussing when she doesn't get her way, testing the limits at bedtime, and grabbing for whatever she wants. She also asks us for help, looks to us for reassurance when she's uncertain, gives BahBah a kiss when he asks (!!) and grabs both our hands as we walk so we can swing her (which results in her beautiful laughter!) We're loving every minute of getting to know our daughter!


  1. It was so exciting to wake up to your posts and all the beautiful pictures. She looks so happy. Love translates in any language. When she's laughing, she looks like jackson! Enjoy these precious first days with her! We love you and look forward to hearing more
    Linda Kay

  2. What a beautiful smile! And that's on all THREE faces! She fits in perfectly. So glad things went so well. We love you. Beautiful!

  3. What a beautiful beginning to the story of your life with Amanda! So encouraged by God's hand in all of this... you guys are amazing! Miss you! Hugs from Portugal!

  4. She is an angel! What a face :) Your pictures speak a million words. We are driving through west Texas on our way home from Christmas in Arizona. I've been checking everyday for posts....and cried when I saw you are finally together. AND I dolly is with her!?!? I love it...what inspiration you are to us! I love you guys! Give Amanda a huge kiss and hug from the Martins ;)

  5. Oh my goodness! We've been stalking your blog waiting for this awesome update! She's absolutely beautiful! Soooo glad everyone is adjusting well. The pictures are awesome! We've been praying for you guys. Can't wait to meet her!!!! Love you guys!!!
